Animations, Audio and more!

Hey there!
I am greenpixels and welcome to the third devlog of ComCreatures.

What have I worked on?
Looking back at the last devlog, I'm genuinly surprised at how much has changed in the game since last time. In my last devlog I talked about implementing the button-list that will be used for a lot of different use cases - for example "items". And that I have done, there is now a button on your lower right screent hat you can press, opening your inventory together with all your items. There will be active items (like the ones shown below), as well as passive items that will be used for events (e.g "Key to XYZ").

In this update, our professor makes his first appearance. He has an old PC monitor as a head and is spinning a floppy disk on his finger. He knows his way around ComCreatures and how to handle them. Hes a professor, after all. Hes absolutley nowhere near to the point that I want him to be, but I'm glad that hes in the game now.

And now for the BIGGEST change since last time. I fully implemented sound and music into the game and I think it adds a whole new dimension to the ensemble. The music from @Bit By Bit Bert just fits perfectly into the game in my opinion. Together with his music and a lot of different other sound effects I have created a cutscene of some sort, for when you get a ComCreature from the professor. The process of creating that cutscene took a lot of time and will still need A LOT of refinement, but so far I'm really liking it.

Here's a little video of me showing you the animation/cutscene!

My trello board is growing day by day and I'm really liking it. The project is coming along nicely and I'm excited for whats to come.

What's next?
The next step is to clean up my code base, organize my files better and make back ups. After that I will work on the option menu and revisit everything one more time. If that is done, I will work on the "Merge" feature. How it works, what requirements will need to be met and more I will explain in the next devlog. Maybe we will even meet a new ComCreature? 

That's it for the third devlog! 

Thank you very much for reading and until next time.

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