Adding a WORLD MAP + DEMO Announcement

Hey there!
I am greenpixels and welcome to the fifth devlog of ComCreatures.

You can now find this devlog condensed as a video format!

What have I worked on?

The last update packed a huge update : The combat system! As a main goal for THIS devlog I wanted to polish the combat system up and rework it if necessary. And reworked I did! The current combat pitch goes as follows:

- Both parties choose an attack
- If both parties chose an offensive attack:
- who attacks is decided by speed, if speed is equal then ...
- who has more strength, then ...
- who has more defense, then ...
- random
- If someone chooses a heal or buff he always goes before an offensive attack
- if someone chooses a defensive attack (e.g counter) he always goes last
- if both choose an defensive, heal or buff player always goes first
-  Lost has the first one without stamina or happiness
- If an attack deplets all stamina it will downscale the attack damage by the missing stamina percentage

Apart from that I also included new attacks together with animations and sound effects:

Heavy Impact.gif
Deals high damage, costs high stamina, rather slow

Claw Tornado.gif
Deals moderate damage, cost moderate stamina, moderate speed

Deals low damage, costs low stamina, has high speed

Fierce Hunt.gif
Increases speed

Calming Breeze.gif
Heals for a certain amount

Increases defense

I also implemented new (TEMPORARY) backgrounds to the laboratory and the home screen, so the rooms are more different visually speaking:

I'm also working on the overworld! Have a sneak peak here! We can see the home to the most left, then the laboratory and then a tower to hone your fight skills!

What's next?
For the next devlog I want to prepare an actual demo project so people can playtest and give me feedback! If you are interested in doing that, please join the discord down below!  The demo will have the fundamental gameplay loop of getting creatures, fighting, leveling, merging and then getting more monsters. You can find more information in the video or on the discord itself. Please keep in mind that my finals are coming up, so the next devlog may be delayed.

That's it for the sixth devlog! 

Thank you very much for reading and until next time!

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